MJ Abbott

Pre- and post-construction drainage for gas pipeline

Marchwood Power, Hampshire

Project summary

Drainage for important national infrastructure

MJ Abbott secured the contract to install pre- and post-construction land drainage along the route of a new 24” gas pipeline between Lockerley and Marchwood Power Station in Hampshire. MJ Abbott were contracted to the NACAP Land & Marine Joint Venture who were installing the gas pipeline on behalf of Siemens plc.

The route of the gas pipeline (the easement) passed through miles of agricultural land. MJ Abbott installed land drainage to the pipeline easement prior to installation of the gas pipeline, and post-construction drainage to restore the drainage of the agricultural land after completion. Several visits were necessary to resolve drainage problems which only came to light some time after completion of the pipeline.

The scope of work comprised:

  • Pre-construction drainage involving installation of 11,000 linear metres of 160mm and 20,000 linear metres of 100mm perforated drainage pipe with porous fill, backfilling and reinstatement.
  • Post-construction drainage involving installation of 3,000 linear metres of 160mm and 15,000 linear metres of 80mm perforated drainage pipe with porous fill, backfilling and reinstatement.
  • The construction of new ditch networks, carrier drains, inlet and outfall structures, gravel drains (French drains) and full reinstatement of the easement areas.