MJ Abbott

Installation of new Rain Bird irrigation system

Gullane Golf Club, Scotland

Project summary

New irrigation for club at centre of Scotland's golf coast

MJ Abbott secured the contract to install a new irrigation system at Gullane Golf Club following a tender and interview process. The irrigation design encompassing all 54 holes, and management of the tender process, was undertaken by Giles Wardle.

The scope of work included:

  • 388m³ capacity underground sealwall precast concrete storage tank measuring 22 metres long x 6 metres wide. The storage tank was supplied via three boreholes.
  • The pump station was designed and manufactured by MJ Abbott. Because of the height differences across the site, the pump station features 100m³/hr duty at standard pressure and 40m³/hr duty at a higher pressure.
  • Installation of mainlines pipework and replacement irrigation to greens, greens approaches, fairways and tees within Course 1 and greens and tees within Courses 2 and 3.
  • The system utilises Rain Bird irrigation equipment.
  • The system includes Rain Bird Nimbus 2 control system and radio remote control.

MJ Abbott continues to service and maintain the system.