MJ Abbott

Installation of new Toro irrigation system

Garon Park Golf Complex, Southend-on-Sea, Essex

Project summary

New Toro irrigation system in Essex

MJ Abbott secured the contract to install a new irrigation system at Garon Park Golf Complex following a tender and interview process. The system design and tender process was managed by Michael Martin.

The scope of work included:

  • 30m³/hr pump station designed and manufactured by MJ Abbott
  • Installation of mainlines pipework and replacement irrigation to greens, approaches and tees over 27 holes of golf
  • The system utilises Toro irrigation equipment
  • The system includes Toro GDC control system and radio remote control.

MJ Abbott continues to maintain the irrigation system.

We are very pleased to have selected MJ Abbott for our new irrigation installation. We feel that working with industry leaders give us total peace of mind with this substantial investment in our golf course.

Alan Walker

Director, Garon Park Golf Complex