MJ Abbott

Drainage to natural turf football pitch

Bovey Tracey AFC, Devon


Devon based football club

Bovey Tracey Association Football Club is a football club based in Devon. The club, established in 1950, are current members of the South West Peninsula League Premier Division East and play at Mill Marsh Park.

The club’s main pitch is built over heavy clay which became very waterlogged when wet. After many years of cancelled matches, the club started the process of planning a drainage scheme to alleviate this issue.

The club employed turf consultant Alex Vickers to formulate proposals and manage the tender process.

MJ Abbott were successful tenderers and work started in summer 2021.

Project challenges

Narrow access road challenging for lorry movements

The narrow access road and restricted storage compound became very challenging when removing excavated spoil off site as well as receiving incoming aggregate deliveries.

Our approach

Drainage installation

The scope of work comprised the following:

  • Primary drainage including installation of mainlines and laterals at 5 metre centres across the pitch surface
  • Secondary drainage in the form of sand slits were introduced at 1 metre centres, 50mm wide and 300mm deep
  • Following completion of the drainage, the pitch was lightly sand dressed to assist with levels and overseeded in three different directions.

Quality surface for play

The pitch was successfully grown in by the club for the start of the 2021/22 season.  The club’s only form of irrigation is a manual system, so it is testament to the dedication of the club’s grounds team that they manage to deliver a quality surface for play.

Feedback from the club is very positive, with extended hours of play and quicker recovery from heavy rain.